Королевский стиль: 7 модных нарядов Кейт Миддлтон в туре по Европе

Каждый образ превосходен! ?

На протяжении пяти дней в туре по городам Германии и Польши Кейт Миддлтон радовала стильными нарядами. Предлагаем посмотреть, что выбрала герцогиня для поездки.

Кейт Миддлтон уже давно считают эталоном стиля — каждый раз герцогиня Кембриджская демонстрирует отменные элегантные наряды. Многие женщины по всему миру пытаются скопировать стиль супруги принца Уильяма, ведь каждый ее образ всегда безупречен.

Не стали исключениям наряды Кейт и во время тура по Германии и Польши. Так, на днях титулованные супруги вместе со своими детьми побывали в нескольких городах Европы, и для каждого Кейт выбрала разные образы. Посмотрим, чем покоряла герцогиня прессу и публику во время турне.

Так, в первый день, который супруги провели в Варшаве, Кейт вышла из трапа самолета в белом костюме от Alexander McQueen. Элегантный наряд подчеркнул стройную фигуру супруги принца Уильяма и идеально подходил для мероприятия. Свой образ герцогиня дополнила туфлями-лодочками Gianvito Rossi, небольшим клатчем и украшениями.

По некоторым данным, белоснежный образ в Варшаве обошелся Кейт Миддлтон в около 2,5 тысяч фунтов.

WARSAW, POLAND — JULY 17: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte arrive at Warsaw airport to start a 3 day tour on July 17, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. (Photo by Arthur Edwards / Pool/ Getty Images)
WARSAW, POLAND — JULY 17: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge to meet young entrepreneurs during a reception at the Heart, Spire Building on day 1 of their official visit to Poland on July 17, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with their children Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge as they arrive on day 1 of their official visit to Poland on July 17, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland.
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with their children Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge as they arrive on day 1 of their official visit to Poland on July 17, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland.
WARSAW, POLAND — JULY 17: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, necklace detail, arrives with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge to meet young entrepreneurs during a reception at the Heart, Spire Building on day 1 of their official visit to Poland on July 17, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Во второй день супруги принц Уильям и Кейт Миддлтон посетили музей в Варшаве. Для этого события герцогиня выбрала цветочный наряд от Erdem. Босоножки телесного цвета на толстом каблуке от Stuart Weitzman, клатч в тон обуви и украшения стали отличным дополнением ее нежного образа.

GDANSK, POLAND — JULY 18: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge are seen at the Solidarity Monument during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 18, 2017 in Gdansk, Poland. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
GDANSK, POLAND — JULY 18: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the Stutthof concentration camp during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 18, 2017 in Gdansk, Poland. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 18, 2017 in Gdansk, Poland.
GDANSK, POLAND — JULY 18: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, bag detail, arrives to the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 18, 2017 in Gdansk, Poland. (Photo by Chris Jackson — Pool/Getty Images)

Третий день титулованные супруги провели в Германии. Так, по красной дорожке от самолета до здания аэропорта Кейт прошлась в синем костюме Catherine Walker. Сдержанный и элегантный образ герцогиня дополнила туфлями-лодочками от Gianvito Rossi и клатчем Jimmy Choo. В общем за наряд Кейт Миддлтон заплатила более 4,5 тысяч фунтов.

BERLIN, GERMANY — JULY 19: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (not pictured), arrive at the Brandenburg Gate on the first day of their visit to Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The royal couple are on a three-day trip to Germany that includes visits to Berlin, Hamburg and Heidelberg. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY — JULY 19: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge visit the Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY — JULY 19: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge as they arrive at Berlin Tegel Airport during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Ian Vogler — Pool/Getty Images)

В этот же день вечером Кейт и ее муж появились на вечернем приеме, организованном британским послом в его собственной резиденции. Для выхода в свет герцогиня выбрала ярко-красное платье от Alexander McQueen с оголенными плечами. Пожалуй, этот образ стал самым осуждаемым, ведь не часто увидишь жену принца в длинном вечернем платье да еще и с открытым верхом!

BERLIN, GERMANY — JULY 19: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attends The Queen’s Birthday Party at the British Ambassadorial Residence on the first day of their visit to Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The royal couple are on a three-day trip to Germany that includes visits to Berlin, Hamburg and Heidelberg. (Photo by Matthias Nareyek — Pool/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY — JULY 19: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attends The Queen’s Birthday Party at the British Ambassadorial Residence on the first day of their visit to Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The royal couple are on a three-day trip to Germany that includes visits to Berlin, Hamburg and Heidelberg. (Photo by Matthias Nareyek — Pool/Getty Images)

Четвертый день, проведенный супругами в Гейдельберге, отметился ярким и по-настоящему летним образом Кейт Миддлтон. Для прогулки по местному рынку герцогиня выбрала желтое платье от Jenny Packham, туфли на платформе и бежевый клатч. И, разумеется, немного украшений. Получилось солнечно!

HEIDELBERG, GERMANY — JULY 20: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge after a visit to the German Cancer Research Institute on day 2 of their official visit to Germany on July 20, 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski — Pool/Getty Images)
HEIDELBERG, GERMANY — JULY 20: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (not pictured) for a visit to the German Cancer Research Institute on day 2 of their official visit to Germany on July 20, 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski — Pool/Getty Images)

Вечер того же дня Кейт и принц Уильям провели в старинном Бальном зале Берлина. Для этого мероприятия герцогиня выбрала зеленый легкий наряд от немецкого бренда Markus Lupfe. Пояс на платье подчеркнул тонкую талию Кейт Миддлтон, а босоножки Prada и небольшой клатч стали отличным дополнением образа.

HEIDELBERG, GERMANY — JULY 20: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrive at the last original dancehall in Berlin, the Clärchens Ballhaus, to attend a reception on day 2 of their official visit to Germany on July 20, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson — Pool/Getty Images)
HEIDELBERG, GERMANY — JULY 20: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives at the last original dancehall in Berlin, the Clärchens Ballhaus, to attend a reception with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge on day 2 of their official visit to Germany on July 20, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson — Pool/Getty Images)

Финал тура состоялся в Гамбурге и для него Кейт Миддлтон выбрала нежный наряд. Так, жена принца Уильяма появилась на публике в платье Emilia Wickstead, которое дополнила туфлями на высоком каблуке от Gianvito Rossi, клатчем Anya Hindmarch и украшениями Кики МакДоноу.

HAMBURG, GERMANY — JULY 21: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge receive a quick lesson to conduct an orchestra at Elbphilharmonie during day three of their official visit to Germany after two days in Poland on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo by Jane Barlow — Pool/Getty Images)
HAMBURG, GERMANY — JULY 21: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visit the Maritime Museum to celebrate the joint UK-German year of science, which for 2017 is focused on oceans, during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson — Pool/Getty Images)
HAMBURG, GERMANY — JULY 21: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge view helicopter models H145 and H135 before departing from Hamburg airport on the last day of their official visit to Poland and Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge arrive for a visit of the Maritime Museum on the third and final day of their visit to Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will celebrate the joint UK-German year of science which for 2017 is focused on oceans.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge arrive for a visit of the Maritime Museum on the third and final day of their visit to Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will celebrate the joint UK-German year of science which for 2017 is focused on oceans.


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